Thursday, June 20, 2013

"Corner Market"

6x6" oil on Gessobord
Sanchez Art Center, "50/50" #1

This is the first of my paintings for the "50/50" show at the Sanchez Art Center. This corner store is located in the Russian Hill area of San Francisco. I remember seeing a Tim Horn painting of this building many years ago and thought it would be a fun subject to paint. I knew it was in San Francisco but had no idea where. I stumbled upon it by accident and quickly pulled over to snap a few photos. I wonder if the owners know that their aqua sign is attracting painters.


  1. I love your large brushwork. Have you ever counted to see how many you can do a painting in?

  2. Thanks Doug, good to hear from you! I haven't counted brushstrokes but it's not a bad idea. One of the challenges painting city scenes is limiting the detail, especially when painting small. Using fewer brushstrokes could force you to keep it simple.
