Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"Pink Backpack" - SOLD


  1. Love this colorful painting, Mike! I love the way you simplify and tell so much with fewer brush strokes.
    Now, although I love Mexican food, I am going to go look up Chicharrones, which I am not familiar with.

  2. This painting is wonderful--love the colors, and I'd like to hug the little girl. What are chicharrones?

  3. Thanks for the kind comments! Chicharrones are wagon wheel shaped chips that have spicy seasoning on them. I had seen them before but had no idea what they were called. Traditionally they're made from pork rinds but the guy in the painting was selling ones made from wheat.

  4. I admire the big shapes and clear clean colors.

  5. I really like your figurative pieces, you do it all!
