Friday, April 15, 2011

"Dessert Case" - SOLD

6x8" oil on hardboard

This was done from a photograph my daughter took at the Toy Boat Cafe on Clement Street in SF. I handed her the camera and let her shoot away. It was fun to watch how into it she was. When I downloaded the photos this one jumped out at me. It has a unique sort of light, a greenish glow that for some reason I find appealing. 


  1. I love this. Yes, the light is kind of wonderful and fantastic yet looks so familiar.

  2. Your daughter sounds as creative as you! What a pair!

    Love your painting! You are so good at simplifying subjects, adding wonderful color and painting wonderful pieces. I've really enjoyed looking at your blog each day. :)

  3. Nicely of my favorite subjects!! The light is very interesting!!

  4. I love how briefly you described each cake - and yet they look delicious! Fun to hear about your daughter!

  5. Ah, the cake case! Love the simplification of this.
