Wednesday, March 2, 2011

"Red Onions"

Yet another DPW Challenge entry. I really struggled to get the bright red/purple color I was seeing. I finally just accepted that maybe there are limits to what oil paint can do. Or maybe limits to what I can do! Either way I still had fun.


carol morgan carmichael said...

You did a beautiful job with this. Loving the warm red/oranges against the cool reds.

Pam Perras said...

Looks great! And fresh. And not overworked. A success. I have to do the challenge again—I'm determined to "get it"! I love your color sense.

Dean H. said...

Yet another great answer by you to the DPW Challenge!

yasha said...

I loved all your submissions to the DPW.This one has great colors.Wonderful.

Jerry Stocks said...

Wonderful colors and great brush strokes.

Douglas Clark said...

The colors really make the edges turn. You got the onions to have a round effect and not look flat at all.

Claudia Hammer a Painting a day said...

I think this is your most successful one yet! Love the warm parts and the cool parts. Nice job! said...

Thank you Mike for you comment.
Your onions are wonderful, good enough to eat.
Happy painting.... Steinunn

LindaHunt said...

Very, very nice...lovely color!