Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"Pepper Patrol"

I buy my veggies at a place called Mexicana Produce. They have amazing prices (broccoli florets for 69 cents a pound!!) They also have an inspiring assortment to choose from. I had been eyeing these peppers for a while, they're called wax peppers. I'm not sure what they taste like but I plan to find out after I paint them one more time. I sure hope they don't taste like wax.


  1. Nice greens Mike. I love the angle you painted them from also. I sometimes don't set things up "facing" me like that because I am afaid of not getting the proportions right, but these are great!

  2. Nice job on these peppers. I really enjoy your simplification...you capture the essence in what seems to be so little.

  3. Love your colors, great brushstrokes, and the understated elegance of your work. Very nice!
