Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Port Clyde Road" - SOLD

I bought a bunch of 36x36" canvases recently which I plan on for landscapes. It's nice to work out color and compositional ideas in the daily painting format. My goal is to paint landscapes that are representational yet have strong abstract qualities. I feel my paintings lean more towards painting "scenes" at this point. In the next few posts I'll be experimenting with pushing the abstract qualities.


Douglas Clark said...

I've said it before but I really like how you paint shadows. It really gives your paintings a sence of depth.

carol morgan carmichael said...

Great looking. Love the strong light. I do not think of your work as painting scenes. This has a wonderful feel.
Good luck with the large canvases.

Linda Popple said...

Love the light and simplicity of your landscapes. I also like the abstract quality that you achieve. I'm looking forward to see how you push the abstract in your paintings.

rdl said...

love this one too!

Anonymous said...

You make beautiful, luminous paintings, especially this one. I love your compositions and the abstraction of forms and shadows.